Finally A Laid Back Saturday!!!!

There are some days when you look up and see something spectacular. I took this picture about a year ago, and every time I see it, I am taken back to that afternoon, when the sky was truely a canvas. I absolutely love Houston sunsets.
So, for the first Saturday in what must have been two months, we didn't have anything that we HAD to do today. It was glorious. We wondered over to the fall carnival at school. Watched the UT/OU game (which kicked butt!) and went to Saltgrass Steakhouse for dinner to celebrate my raise this week.
In spending the day pretty much solo, I realized something. I'm pretty freakin lonely. Maybe its the time of year. Fall has always been my favorite time of year for romance. But when I start to think about it, I find I'm a bit sad. I realize that my hopes of a great romance are low, and that my dreams of flowers at work, suprise lunches... and someone who gets along with my kid are to distant to reach.
Maybe I have gone through all of the eligible bachelor's in Houston. I mean, they are certainly not banging down my door. That prospect, sadly, is highly depressing. This city has 2 million people in it, I find it hard to believe that there isn't at least one man within 75 miles of me who would enjoy hanging out with me... making me feel all girly and special and stuff.
So as I sat at dinner, with my 12 year old... on date night, feeling somewhat sorry for myself... It dawned on me that I'm tired of being lonely... That's all.
You know Becca, I have been sitting here wondering that exact same thing about myself! Throwing a pity party for myself...all that bull-ony.I know you're thinking the same thing I have been. It's just hard.
And I have found someone who likes hanging out with me, but he's just not the kind who will make a girl feel "girlie". Now I know I'm not a "girlie girl" in any sense of the word...but sometimes it'sw just nice to know that someone will think of you in that way. Trust me little lady...i feel you!!!
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