At what point should I start to worry?

My new job, for example, is still completely awsome, but how long is this lovely honeymoon going to last? Am I going to be truely happy with my job forever? How long will it take me to begin reminiscing over the old lab rat days, and secretly wishing I had never taken myself out of the lab? Sharks just under the surface of an outrageous ride... poetic and yet extremely applicable don't ya think? *btw, I think I picked this picture up at
What about LilChem? Is she going to be this awsomely brilliant kid who finds her niche and sticks to it, making me the proudest momma ever? Or will she fall in with a not so decent crowd and walk down that teenaged path of parental torture? I pray that she finds brilliance the more alluring path, but then again, only time will tell. I will admit that two weeks into the year at her new jr. high, I'm quite impressed by her attitude, and the multitude of friends she seems to be developing. And her proclamation tonight to audition for the school play floored me even more... I am having so much fun watching her become a young woman, I can hardly stand it.
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