| I'm not 30 YET DAMMIT! Current mood: Curled up tight under a rock
So, I'm looking at my myspace profile... and I notice that it says that I'm 30. I'm thinking WTF!?! My birthday isn't for another 4 days!
Oh well... If myspace says its true, it must be.
I gotta say, its gearing up to be a craptacular week... just perfect leading up to the big day.
I spent the day at work nursing a hangover, counting the hours until i could leave that place. Its a slow time for me these days, so I'm constantly searching for things to keep me busy. After having survived the lengthy day that it was, I get a call from a very good friend, who just happens to be passing through Houston. Great, I think, I got something to do for dinner. Nope, no stops... I'll just have to drive to San Antonio Friday night... riiiiiight.
Homeward bound, I climb the stairs to my apartment, in which i have spent just enough time to create a nice little cluttered mess. I sigh... the realization that I'm lonlier than lonely hits hard. I pet my cats, who, it seems, are the only souls that notice I exist (probably because i'm the source of their food). I turn on the TV and lay down on the couch. One of the cats is climbing over my head on his way to his perch on the back of the couch... I only mention this little tidbit because the fucker slipped and took a chunk out of my eyelid. The blood is cleaned up... and the bandaid is a nice touch. Pissed at the cat... at my friends... at myself, I'm ready to throw in the towel... can I skip my birthday this year? Crawl under that rock that keeps me safe and warm? Lick my wounds and carry on?
A break would do me good...
 | Currently listening : I Write Sins Not Tragedies By Panic! at the Disco Release date: By 02 November, 2006 | |
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