Monday, June 06, 2005

Starting Fresh

Wow, I can't believe its been three years since I last published a dang thing. What's even more pathetic is that I had forgotten about this blog until I tried to create a new account using my universal nick name, and found that it was taken... BY ME!

Needless to say, I plan on getting back into the habit of publishing my very insignificant thoughts to the world. Not that there are many souls out there who feel they need to be tuned into my head, but perhaps there are a few that might find some amusement in my ramblings.

If you are interested in learning about my goings on since my last post, click here. I must warn you that if you enter ChemBabe's Lair, you will find out-dated journals, pictures and more! I really need to get back into the swing of things. Eventually what I would like to do is make this blog, which is much easier to update on a daily basis than writing within the code, match the theme of the website. I know it can be done, just give me time.

So... to the matter at hand. I have promised you three things... so let me get started.

Well, after reading my last post, I was quite pleased to be able to remind myself that I have actually landed myself a job in the field. My current company is a mid sized environmental laboratory where I perform BTEX analyses on soil and water samples. Its decent work, but the over-achiever in me is constantly looking for more challenging work. On a side note, I recently interviewed for a laboratory that would offer more challenging work, as soon as I hear more on that, you will.

As one of a few active members of the emerging Prayer Shawl Ministry at my church, I am dangerously close to completing my first shawl. Once it is complete, I'll be shipping it off to one of my best friends, after I photograph it first :). Some other projects I have either completed or started in the last few months include a lapghan, a tote, a tote, a crochet hook organizer, and my current "big" project is an afghan for lil'chem's room at the new place. Its an inspired original piece that I have ripped apart twice already. We'll see how it comes out.

Finally, Life....
My life is full of great drama and big let downs.
At this point, with the child at dad's for the summer, and a move in the not so distant future, I find that all I am doing is working. 12 hours on the clock are not uncommon. While the money is good, and the time out of the apartment is well spent, I can't help but wonder what would happen if I actually had time to go out on a date. I was able to find the time this weekend to connect with a friend I met at Club Envy in San Antonio. The visit didn't last nearly long enough, but at least it was something. I'm not complaining tho. Its better that he didn't overstay his welcome. Go out on top! isn't that what they always say?