Monday, June 20, 2005

Let me introduce you to my current major crochet project... funny story about this one.

I had originally planned on giving it to lil'chem as a gift commemorating her first year in Jr. High. For some weird reason I thought her new school colors were going to be Red and Black... Turns out that the school colors are Red and Purple. Soooooo... in stead of scraping this little beauty, I'm gonna go ahead and finish her, and put her on my bed, since my new bedding set involves these two colors.

One of a few projects I have on the hook Posted by Hello

As far as this pattern goes, it is a variation of the Prayer Shawl pattern, with a sligh variation :). I'm using Bernat Soft Boucle on a P hook.

That's it for now... laters :)

Time to head off to the yarn shop to see if I can find a decent red and purple combination.

Happy Father's Day

So, did you call your dad today?

I did. And after the brief conversation with him, I got to thinking.

Why is it that I rarely ever pick up the phone to talk to him specifically? Why is it that he doesn't do the same? As I ask myself these questions, I'm chuckling. I mean, it is kind of funny. We are fairly close, and our relationship isn't strained at all, but we just don't connect the way my mom and I do. I can talk to her ten times a day and not run out of things to say, but as I talked to my dad today, it seemed that after about 3 minutes we ran out of things to say.

It was mostly just small talk... how was church? I told him that he should check out the streaming life lesson on the website. I have to admit, it was the best teaching on the story of the Prodigal Son I think I have ever heard.

And that was about it. I told him I was working. He groaned, "don't push yourself." I assured him I wouldn't.

We then disconnected after exchanging "I love you"s.

Not a bad Father's Day phone call, but not stunning either. I would have much rather been in his company than to have had to make the long distance call. That's life I guess.

So, I spent the rest of my day "not pushing myself" after a whopping 2 hours at work (things went smoothly yesterday thank Gawd).

After taking a nap that should have been avoided, I putzed around the apartment all evening... cursing the NBA, and wondering why there isn't anything else worth watching on TV.

I was hoping Jay *there, names mentioned* would log on tonight so that I could give him crap for being so evil. Have I mentioned that I like evil? *hehe*
Considering the time, I guess my dishing of crap will have to wait until tomorrow.

Since I'm tired but still restless and not ready for sleep, I will probably slip in a
DVD and curl up on the couch.

Honestly, I really can't complain... Best thing about being single is that I always get to pick the movie.