Sunday, March 26, 2006

Gimme a Baldy!

You know what's funny?

Two years ago, I was completely obsessed with Sex and the City. Completely obsessed with BIG. Who the hell am I kidding, I'm still looking for my BIG. But I noticed Charlotte's husband in the last episode I watched, and I realized that my last relationship has done something to me... I now have a major thing for the baldy. So as I venture back out into this enormous world, I pray the following:

Dear Gracious and Merciful God,

As you send me out into the great expance you call Earth, please provide me
with the mortal pleasure of the company of a bald man. That I may know again the
feeling of running my fingers over the peach fuzz of a two day old shave. That I
may, once again, have to gently squint at the glare of that shiney space. I pray
that I may again feel the smooth skin of a man's head resting between my


Okay, so um, mom... if you're reading this... I know your probably having a heartattack... deal with it :P